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iTunes Sync v1.1 Released

June 13, 2007

iTunes Sync v1.1 has been released into that wild party known as the internet. It has a ton of bug fixes and enhancements, so I recommend that everyone update to the new version. Here's a quick rundown on the changes:

  • Added 2 other folder structure types for a total of 3
    • Root: All files in the root of the drive
    • Artist: All files in folders by artist
    • Artist/Album: All files in folders by artist, then in sub-folders by album
  • Fixed a window positioning issue
  • Added icons to all the buttons for easier function recognition
  • When confirming the files to sync you can now see a list of files to be deleted/copied
  • Now has a more responsive interface during pre-sync and sync (to allow for cancelling... etc) by making the file copy asynchronous
  • During the file sync 3 new fields are shown: Current File, Time Remaining, Transfer Rate (MB/sec)
  • Now checks for other instances of iTunes Sync at startup and only allows 1 instance
  • Removed window flickering when launching the application
  • Fixed an iTunes playlist issue where iTunes Sync sometimes can't find your playlist
  • Now detects and warns when duplicate iTunes playlists are present. Duplicate playlists can lead to incorrect songs being sync'd so syncing is disabled when duplicate playlists are detected

Check out iTunes Sync today!

iTunes Sync v1.0 Released

June 10, 2007

Do you have iTunes? Do you have an iPod? I have iTunes, I don't have an iPod, but I wanted to be able to sync my MP3 player with iTunes, regardless of what brand it was... and so iTunes Sync was born. In just a few easy steps you can synchronize any iTunes playlist with any MP3 player that shows up as a drive letter in Windows (pretty much all of them do). It's as simple as 3 easy steps:

  • Setup a playlist in iTunes that you want to sync to your MP3 player
  • Configure your MP3 player in iTunes Sync by giving it a name, selecting an "identification file or folder" and selecting a playlist from iTunes
  • Now just click Synchronize and watch the magic happen!

You can configure as many different MP3 players as you need and synchronize each one with the different iTunes' playlists. Amazing! Magic! Technology!

iTunes Sync
iTunes Sync

In my quest to synchronize my MP3 player with iTunes, before I wrote iTunes Sync, I came across a fantastic application written by Jaran Nilsen called iTunes Agent. It seemed to have some of the features I needed, but I ran into occasional problems and I wanted a few extra bells and whistles... and it seems that development has been stalled for a year now, so I took matters into my own hands. And so iTunes Sync was born.

I would highly advise that you go and check out iTunes Sync right now!

ASP.NET ViewState Helper (Fiddler Extension) v0.1 Released

May 19, 2007

I am proud to announce the latest piece of software to be released under the Binary Fortress umbrella: the ASP.NET ViewState Helper Fiddler Extension. This takes most of the functionality from the full ASP.NET ViewState Helper but wraps it into a neat little extension that can be used with Fidder version 2. What is Fiddler, you ask?

Fiddler is a HTTP Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP Traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language. Fiddler is freeware and can debug traffic from virtually any application, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and thousands more.

It's a great little application for troubleshooting web development problems, and now it's even better with the addition of ViewState decoding.

Check it out today!

ASP.NET ViewState Helper on DotNetKicks

May 7, 2007

If you've downloaded and enjoyed the ASP.NET ViewState Helper, I invite you to "Kick It" over at DotNetKicks. Get kicking!

ASP.NET ViewState Helper v0.6 Released

April 23, 2007

Version 0.6 of the ASP.NET ViewState Helper is now live. It only has a couple notable changes, but it fixes some long outstanding issues:

  • Removed the 32k character limit on the manual ViewState input box
  • Now supplying x86 and x64 builds for people running 64 bit versions of Windows
ASP.NET ViewState Helper v0.6

Check it out today!

Clipboard Text Scrubber

February 28, 2007

Have you ever copied and pasted text from a webpage, or anywhere else, into a document or email... only to have it retain it's crazy formatting? Well, I got sick of that, and I got tired of pasting into notepad and copying again to scrub the text clean of formatting. That's why I whipped up the Clipboard Text Scrubber. It runs in the system tray and monitors the clipboard for text. If it finds any it scrubs the formatting from it, leaving you with good old unformatted text. It can run in automatic mode or manual mode, and has a couple other clipboard related features as well.

It's worth the 300 KB download - take a look today!

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