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DisplayFusion Pro Trial Licenses Now Available

April 17, 2008

Are you using the free version of DisplayFusion and want to try out some of the Pro features? Well, now you can! Just head over to the DisplayFusion Trial License page and fill out the unbelievably short form. My hard-working server will email you a 15 day trial license, and presto, you'll be a Pro user for 2 weeks. For a complete list of the features that DisplayFusion Pro has, check out the handy version comparison page. If haven't tried DisplayFusion yet and you have more than one monitor, what are you waiting for? Get in on the action today and give DisplayFusion a try right now!

FileSeek v1.2 Released

April 15, 2008

It has been 5 long winter months since the last FileSeek release, but v1.2 is finally here. This release brings some much needed features and has turned into the only search application that I rely on to find things on my computer. FileSeek is lightning fast and supports Regular Expression matching to perform more complex searches. With FileSeek you can specify a list of patterns to include in the search, and a list of patterns to exclude. For example, you can include "*.jpg|*.gif|*.png" and then exclude "test*.*". This will include those 3 image filetypes, but it will ignore any files that start with "test". Pretty neat, eh?


I urge everyone who is running an older version of FileSeek to download the new version today, and if you haven't tried FileSeek why not give it a try. You can either download an installer or an archive with only the .exe if you want to take it for a test drive before installing. Happy searching!

iTunes Sync in the May 2008 issue of PC World

April 13, 2008

I'm very pleased to mention (once again) that one of my applications has made it into a major print magazine. This month, iTunes Sync has found it's way into the May 2008 issue of PC World!

PC World Magazine May 2008 iTunes Sync (Cover)  PC World Magazine May 2008 iTunes Sync (Article)

Here is a quick excerpt from the article:

This free Windows utility syncs any iTunes playlist to non-Apple players. Install iTunes Sync, fire up iTunes, and plug in your player. [...] Click the Sync button and sit back while your playlist breaks free of its iTunes shackles.

Special DisplayFusion Pro Offer

I'd like to send a big thanks out to Ron Palermo for bringing this article to my attention! Ron has received a complimentary DisplayFusion Pro license for letting me know about this article, and you can too. Visit the In the News page to find out more about this fantastic offer.

LifeHacker: Top 10 Ways to Trick Out Your Desktop

April 9, 2008

Just a quick word to send out a big thanks to the LifeHacker crew for putting DisplayFusion 2nd in their Top 10 Ways to Trick Out Your Desktop list. DisplayFusion has been covered by LifeHacker twice before, and both their reviews and the user's comments have always been positive. Here's an excerpt from today's article:

Dual monitors boost your productivity by simple virtue of the fact that they offer more screen real estate to get things done, but let's get real - who doesn't want to show off their side-by-side screen setups? Grab a copy of DisplayFusion, and easily split your epic/panoramic/super-cute wallpaper across two monitors.

DisplayFusion v2.1 Testing

April 8, 2008

If you are using DisplayFusion Pro and you are interested in helping me test the upcoming v2.1 release, I have now started final testing. Just drop me a line and I'll send you the download link. Please make sure to contact me using the same email address you used to register DisplayFusion, as this is a private beta currently only open to Pro users. This is just one of the many benefits to becoming a Pro user. I am planning to release the new version this weekend, unless any showstopping bugs are found, so any feedback you can provide this week would be fantastic. Thanks everyone!

DisplayFusion in the April 2008 issue of PC Magazine

April 2, 2008

I'm very pleased to mention that DisplayFusion has received a mention in the April 2008 issue of PC Magazine!

PC Magazine April 2008 DisplayFusion (Cover)  PC Magazine April 2008 DisplayFusion (Article)

Here is an excerpt from the article:

Multiple monitors of different sizes on your computer may not always provide the best visual setup. DisplayFusion assists by placing different wallpapers on each screen, even a contiguous background across displays with different resolutions. It helps controls windows, too, dragging them from screen to screen.

Special DisplayFusion Pro Offer

I'd like to send a big thanks out to Gilles Reichert from Belgium for bringing this article to my attention! Having Gilles point out this article to me has led to the creation of an exciting offer for everyone. If you find any Binary Fortress Software applications (iTunes Sync, DisplayFusion... etc) mentioned in a print publication (newspaper, magazine or anything else) just let me know and you'll be the recipient of a shiny new DisplayFusion Pro license. If you're already a Pro user then I'll refund the cost of your Pro license to you. Additionally, if you can arrange to have the article shipped/mailed here I will cover the cost of shipping and send another DisplayFusion Pro license to anyone you would like. A co-worker, your spouse, a friend or just a random person. It's up to you. If you have any questions about this offer please feel free to contact me.

Thanks everyone!

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