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DisplayFusion v1.2 Released

September 5, 2007

I'm very happy to announce the release of DisplayFusion v1.2 today! This new version fixes some significant bugs, including one related to people with quad monitors (or more). A huge thanks to Moshe from the forums for helping me squish this bug. Some other notable fixes include a fix for Office 2007 maximized window dragging and a few fixes and speed-ups for the Flickr image integration.


You can find the complete change log here if you want more details. Anyone currently using DisplayFusion is encouraged to upgrade to the latest version, and new people are invited to take it for a test drive.

Check it out today!

DisplayFusion v1.1 Released

August 29, 2007

I'm excited to announce the release of DisplayFusion v1.1! This new version fixes a few bugs, and introduces a cool new feature as well: integrated Flickr searching! When you are selecting an image to apply to each monitor as your wallpaper, just click the "Load from Flickr" button, and you have access to every image on Flickr, right at your fingertips. Just search using keywords, or list all images from a specific person if you know their name or email address.

DisplayFusion Flickr Search

Check out DisplayFusion today!

DisplayFusion v1.0 Released

August 22, 2007

I'd like to introduce you to the newest member in the Binary Fortress family, DisplayFusion. DisplayFusion is a fantastic (and free) new application that can make your dual monitor (or triple monitor or more) life much, much easier! From allowing you to use a different wallpaper on each monitor, to providing hotkeys for managing your application windows. Here are just a few of the things you can do with DisplayFusion:

  • Use a different wallpaper on each of your monitors
  • Use one wallpaper that spans all of your monitors
  • Drag maximized windows between monitors
  • Move windows to the next monitor
  • Move windows to the next monitor and maximize them
  • Move windows to centre of the monitor
  • Tile windows along the top, bottom, left or right side
  • And many more things...

I'd like to give a big thanks to Chris Ysebert and Keith Lammers for their help with testing, tweaking and general polishing.

And, of course, DisplayFusion v1.0 is free, just like all of my software. I invite you to check out DisplayFusion today!

iTunes Sync: 20,000 Downloads and Counting

August 17, 2007

Sometime around the middle of this week iTunes Sync passed the 20,000 download mark. Hurray! When I wrote this application just over 2 months ago, I did so because I wanted to use iTunes with my cheap-o MP3 player. When I posted iTunes Sync for others to download I had no idea there were as many people in the same situation as me. Well, it turns out there are, as iTunes Sync has been averaging over 340 downloads per day, with a steady stream of email and forum feedback to match. Thanks to everyone who has submitted bug reports, feedback, suggestions and to everyone who contributed to the tested MP3 player's list. You've all helped to make iTunes Sync what it is today!


Clipboard Text Scrubber v1.3.1 Released

August 15, 2007

I have posted a new version of Clipboard Text Scrubber. This is a quick bug fix release, to clear up a couple of small issues. Here's a rundown on the changes:

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the "Clear Clipboard" menu option to not do anything
  • Fixed a bug that would cause an infinite loop (Thanks to Carsten on the Forum for finding this bug)
  • Changed the icons (again) to something with more contrast

I recommend that anyone using an older version of Clipboard Text Scrubber update to the latest version today.

ShellSend v1.0.0 Released

August 11, 2007
Today we packaged and released a utility that we have been using for a while now in-house, called ShellSend. ShellSend is a free command line utility for Windows 2000, 2003, XP, and Vista that allows you to easily send a custom email from your scripts or batch files. Just run "shellsend.exe" with the correct command line parameters (like the "to address", "from address" and SMTP server) and watch as your email gets instantly delivered. You can specify a filename as well and ShellSend will read the contents of the file and use that as the message body. Great for emailing log files or console program output to yourself.
All of you system administrators out there, or anyone who runs scheduled tasks, check out ShellSend today!
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