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ClipboardFusion 1.4.0 Released!

February 25, 2008

I am very happy today to announce the release of a re-born ClipboardFusion. ClipboardFusion started life as Clipboard Text Scrubber but has turned into so much more than a text scrubber. While ClipboardFusion can still scrub text of any unwanted formatting and remove HTML tags, it can now also show a helpful clipboard popup. When this feature is enabled, if you copy an HTML colour name or hex value to the clipboard a popup will appear that displays that colour. Very helpful for all of you web designers out there. Another thing the popup can do is show you a preview of any image contained on the clipboard. For example, if you press the "Print Screen" key to take a screen shot, the popup will display the image. Next, if you want, you can right-click on the popup and save that image to your computer without needing an image editing program.

I would invite everyone to head on over to the ClipboardFusion page to find out more information.

DisplayFusion with Windows Vista x64 and nVidia Drivers

February 20, 2008

I have received 2 reports so far of people suspecting issues with DisplayFusion and Windows Vista x64. So far, both reports have been regarding nVidia video cards using the 169.25 ForceWare drivers and only on the 64-bit version of Windows Vista. I don't have a 64 bit machine right now to test on so if you are using Windows Vista x64 and you are using DisplayFusion I would love to hear from you. I'm not sure what combination of drivers and/or Windows updates is causing this issue but if you have been affected by it, or you are using Windows x64 successfully please let me know. I'd like to get to the bottom of this. Thanks everyone!

DisplayFusion v2.0.2 Released

February 18, 2008

DisplayFusion v2.0.2 has been released! I'd like to thank everyone who helped me over the last week to nail down the last couple of issues. This new version fixes a number of issues that have appeared and a number of long-standing issues. Here are a couple of the highlights:

  • Added an option to enable/disable maximized window dragging
  • Added a new image sizing option: "Best fit and maintain aspect ratio (clip edges)"
  • Added the ability to paste images from the clipboard (ex: copy and paste from Firefox or Internet Explorer)
  • Fixed wallpaper applying to only 1 monitor in very rare situations
  • Fixed a problem that caused windows to sometimes un-maximize when used with the hotkeys

If you would like to see the complete list of changes please check out the Change Log. I would encourage everyone to upgrade to the latest version, and as usual, if you encounter any problems please visit the DisplayFusion Online Support page.

Thanks everyone!

DisplayFusion v2.0.1 Released

February 7, 2008

I'm happy to announce that DisplayFusion v2.0 was a huge success! On it's first day after being released it chalked up over 8,000 downloads within the first 24 hours. With this flurry of downloads came a number of bug reports as well, most of them relating to minor issues or issues that were hardware specific. I have done my best to keep on top of the issues over the last 4 days and I've bundled all of the fixes into the latest release, v2.0.1. I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who has reported the issues so far, and to those who helped me with testing this new release. DisplayFusion wouldn't be as solid as it is today without everyone's help.

Now, down to business. The change log shows over a dozen changes in this release, so I won't list them all here. Little things like grammatical mistakes, tab order and control focus issues have all been addressed. Along with bigger things like window spanning now working in all situations, and DisplayFusion properly detecting resolution changes so it can automatically adjust your wallpaper. Some new things were added as well, like the ability to rename custom hotkeys and 2 new system tray menu items for going to the next random image or "freezing" the current random image if you are using the random wallpaper option. If you are interested in reading about all the changes included I invite you to take a look at the full change log.

Thank you all for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy this new release of DisplayFusion!

DisplayFusion v2.0 Released

February 3, 2008

After over a month of development I am proud to announce the release of DisplayFusion 2.0! This new version represents a major change for both DisplayFusion, and the way I am supporting future development of the project. DisplayFusion 2.0 includes some fantastic new functionality, like wallpaper changing on a timer and fully customizable hotkeys, but the single biggest change is the addition of a Pro version. The Pro version contains features that go above and beyond basic hotkeys and desktop wallpaper. For example, in the Pro version you can have your wallpaper change automatically ever few minutes or hours. It also includes the ability to fully customize your own hotkeys. For example, if you're a developer you could create a hotkey that centred a window and resized it to 800x600 for testing webpage layout. Or you could create a series of hotkeys for tiling windows to the 4 corners of the screen. Your imagination is the limit! If you would like more information on what features are included in the Free or Pro versions I invite you to check out the version comparison chart. If you would like a full rundown on the changes included in 2.0 please take a look at the change log.

Something new that I've decided to try for this release is a flash demo. If you head over to the DisplayFusion page you will see a flash video demonstrating most of the functionality of DisplayFusion, including both Free and Pro features.

Re-designed Desktop Wallpaper Manager

Completely re-written Flickr image browser

One last note: Anyone who has previously donated any amount towards any of my software development should find a DisplayFusion Pro license key in their email. If you have previously donated your time or money to help with any of my projects and you didn't receive your license key please contact me and I'll get it sorted out as soon as possible.

Thank you everyone, and happy downloading!

DisplayFusion: Now and the Future

January 25, 2008

I'm very happy to report that DisplayFusion has passed a significant milestone this week: it has now been downloaded over 100,000 times! This far exceeds any expectations I had, as this averages more than 20,000 downloads per month since it's release. Party time!

Now for some future news. Significant progress has been made on v2.0, which will be the next release. It has some spiffy new features and a pile of bug fixes. There are also some other big changes that I'll announce once v2.0 gets released. I'd like to send out a big thanks to everyone that has donated over the last few months as I have been able to cover the hosting costs for DisplayFusion. This has allowed me to not worry about hosting costs or paying bills, and instead let me focus my attention elsewhere. v2.0 is nearing completion and should be ready for release in the next couple of weeks. I'll keep you posted.

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