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FileSeek v1.5.1 Released

July 10, 2008

FileSeek v1.5.1 has just been released into the wild. This release is a quick maintenance release aimed at fixing a few minor issues. Here is a quick rundown on the changes:

  • Now shows an error if the path to search doesn't exist
  • Status bar now says "x matches found" instead of "x lines found" (more accurate wording)
  • Now properly finds files with no extension
  • Fixed an issue with Windows Vista that prevented the registry entries from being created properly for context menu support

If you have auto-update notification enabled in FileSeek you will be prompted to download the new version, or you can just head over to the FileSeek page to download it.

FileSeek v1.5 Released

June 24, 2008

I'm very happy to announce the release of FileSeek v1.5 today. This release includes some important fixes, and a couple of new features. Most notably, the exclusion pattern is now applied to folders as well as files. For the complete list of changes I invite you to check out the change log.


I encourage everyone who is running an older version to update today. If you have auto-update checking enabled in FileSeek you will be prompted to update next time you use it.

DisplayFusion in the July 2008 issue of Maximum PC

June 15, 2008

I would like to send out a big thanks to about a dozen people that found DisplayFusion included in the July 2008 issue of Maximum PC. As a result, they all received shiny new DisplayFusion Pro licenses. If you would like to find out how you can take advantage of this great offer, just visit the In the News page for more information.

Maximum PC July 2008 DisplayFusion (Cover) Maximum PC July 2008 DisplayFusion (CD Insert)

DisplayFusion in the May 2008 issue of PC World Norge

May 28, 2008

I would like to send a big thanks out to Rolf Beev from Norway. He discovered DisplayFusion in the May 2008 issue of PC World Norge. He was able to send me scans of the cover and article, and in exchange I sent him a shiny new DisplayFusion Pro license. If you would like to find out how you can take advantage of this great offer, just visit the In the News page for more information.

PC World Norge Magazine May 2008 DisplayFusion (Cover)  PC World Norge Magazine May 2008 DisplayFusion (Article)

DisplayFusion in the May 2008 issue of PC Pro

May 13, 2008

I would like to send a big shout out to Ian for finding DisplayFusion in the May 2008 issue of PC Pro in the UK. It's always exciting to see my software being published, especially outside of North America. Ian was able to send me scans of the cover and article and for his effort I was more than happy to send a DisplayFusion Pro license his way. If you would like to find out how you can take advantage of this great offer, just visit the In the News page for more information.

PC Pro Magazine May 2008 DisplayFusion (Cover)  PC Pro Magazine May 2008 DisplayFusion (Article)

Update: An observant reader (Keith) pointed out that this is the same article that appeared in the PC Authority magazine. I'm guessing that David has his column published in more than magazine. But, that's cool with me as it was published in the UK and Australia, both places I have never been published in.

HashTools v1.1 Released

May 13, 2008

Do you love hashes? I do! Well, they're helpful when it comes to checking the integrity of a file. That's the reason I created HashTools back in January of 2007, over 1 year ago. This latest release clears up some long-standing issues and adds some much needed features. The new feature I find most useful is the ability to drag and drop files into the HashTools interface. Another new feature that I find myself using quite frequently is the ability for HashTools to automatically load and compare a hash when checking a file. For example, if you are generating an MD5 hash for a file called "MyFile.iso", HashTools will check for a file called "MyFile.md5". If this file exists, it will be loaded and HashTools will compare the hash contained in this file against the generated hash. Maybe this is a feature that only I will find useful, but I hope at least one other person will too.


Check out HashTools today!

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