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DisplayFusion 4.2 Now Available!

October 23, 2012

We're very happy to announce that DisplayFusion 4.2 is now available for download. This version has much improved Windows 8 support, along with many other fixes and improvements.

Notable changes for DisplayFusion 4.2 include the following:

  • Taskbar no longer shows in front of Windows 8 Style (formerly "Metro") apps
  • Taskbar no longer flickers when Windows 8 Style apps are snapped right/left
  • Many other Windows 8 performance and compatiblity fixes
  • You can now hold 'Shift' while middle-clicking to move a window to previous monitor instead of the next monitor
  • New Advanced Setting: Ignore Monitors (specify monitors that DisplayFusion should ignore for things like 'move to next monitor')
  • Resolved some taskbar WindowBlinds issues
  • Windows no longer return quickly to their old position when being moved with the Functions (only affected a few apps)
  • Many other bug fixes, performance, and stability improvements

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Change Log. We'd like to send out a big thanks to the thousands of people that helped test the Beta versions. Thanks everyone!

Help DisplayFusion get listed in the Steam Store! We would love to have your vote on Steam Greenlight, so that DisplayFusion can become a permanent resident in the Steam Store. Please vote for us on the Steam Greenlight page!

Windows 8: DisplayFusion Taskbar with Start Menu
Windows 8: DisplayFusion Taskbar with Start Menu
Windows 8: TitleBar Buttons
Windows 8: TitleBar Buttons

DisplayFusion on Steam Greenlight!

October 19, 2012

We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion has been submitted to Steam Greenlight!

We'd love to have your support to help DisplayFusion get to the Greenlit stage so that it can become a permanent resident in the Steam Store. Please vote for us on the Steam Greenlight page!

A big thank you to everyone in advance for your support!

DisplayFusion on Steam Greenlight
DisplayFusion on Steam Greenlight

WallpaperFusion Updates for October 2012

October 18, 2012

There have been lots of updates to WallpaperFusion over the last two weeks, here are the highlights!

First, we have a new WallpaperFusion Logo that we're excited to unveil! You can check it out on Facebook, or the official WallpaperFusion Twitter page.

New WallpaperFusion Logo

We've made several additions to profile pages. First up, you now have the ability to show off your hard-earned WallpaperFusion Reputation on other websites by displaying your personal profile card. This is currently available in two colour themes:

Profile Card Themes

Visit your member page and follow the link to "Show off your reputation" under your Gravatar to get started!

We've also made it easier to keep tabs on the images you've submitted, with a new section on your member page. You can now see all the comments you've received on your images together in one place under the "comments on my images" tab. We hope this makes it easier to see what people are saying about your images and you won't have to worry about missing out on any feedback or praise. :)

Another addition to the member profile page is the "my reputation" tab, where you can see a day-by-day breakdown of where you gained all of your reputation points.

My Reputation Tab

Finally, we have also changed the way that we set the number of monitors on an image. We've received lots of feedback about images being automatically set to fewer monitors than they could support, and we hope that this will more accurately assess all our submissions!

A big thank you to everyone for their excellent image submissions, and for all the feedback and suggestions about the site. The site is growing everyday, and it's all thanks to our amazing community! :)

Top WallpaperFusion Members for September 2012

October 1, 2012
Congratulations to our top contributing members for September 2012! They have been hard at work submitting, rating, and discussing images on WallpaperFusion, and have racked up some impressive reputation scores along the way!
NASA's profile on
Flyn S' profile on
Fyndler Yamasaki's profile on
ParalaX002's profile on
Remfalc's profile on
rick34's profile on
Alexander C's profile on
artras' profile on
Bradford Ross-MacLeod's profile on
hfxmike's profile on
Check out the current top members or look at previous months on our Top Members page!

WallpaperFusion Updates and new Features

September 28, 2012

Note: The promotion referenced in this post has ended.

We've had such a great response to the DisplayFusion promotion that we can barely keep up with all the images. We're processing them as fast as we can, but in order to make sure everyone has a fair chance to submit enough approved images, we're extending the end of the promotion until October 18th!

Thanks to all our submitters, we also reached a milestone this week. After less than two months we now have over 2000 images available on WallpaperFusion! We have even more images being submitted and approved daily, so keep checking in to see what's new. You can also keep tabs on new images by following us on Twitter or visiting our Facebook page to see a featured image every day.

We have also updated the image download interface! You can now see a thumbnail preview of how the image will look spanned or split across multiple monitors before you download it. After picking the image you want, just click the thumbnail to download the full size image - it doesn't get any easier than that!

We hope that this update makes downloading the right image for your setup faster and easier! As always, we welcome any and all feedback through our contact page. Have an idea, suggestion or issue? Let us know!

WallpaperFusion Promotion Updates and More!

September 10, 2012

Note: The promotion referenced in this post has ended.

It's been over a month since we launched WallpaperFusion, and the response has been overwhelming! We have had thousands of image submissions, and we've given away dozens of free DisplayFusion Pro licenses. The contest points system has been a bit confusing for everyone (including us), so we've decided to simplify it a bit. To qualify for a free DisplayFusion Pro license, you just need to have at least 600 reputation points and have 5 published images or more of any size. This should allow you to track your eligibility more easily, as well as making it easier for us to keep track.

We have added 'Pending' and 'Rejected' tabs to your member profile page, so you can easily track your submissions and see comments from the moderators. We try to stay in contact as much as possible, but with the incredible number of submissions this has been quite difficult. We appologize for any image publishing delays, we're working as fast as we can. :)

We have some exciting new things planned for the near future, like mobile apps and amazing DisplayFusion integration, so stay tuned!

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