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DisplayFusion License Changes

August 30, 2010

DisplayFusion was first released in August of 2007, over 3 years ago! During the last 3 years, DisplayFusion has grown into a must-have utility for anyone with multiple monitors. Licensing has changed as well over the years, with the introduction of a paid Pro version nearly 2 years ago. This paid Pro version was licensed on a per-computer basis, requiring multiple licenses to be purchased for use on multiple computers. After quite a bit of feedback from the DisplayFusion community, I have decided to shuffle the licensing around a little bit.

New License Type: Personal Home license

Starting today, you can now purchase a DisplayFusion Pro Personal Home license. This new license is for home users ONLY, and is not a valid license for company users. The license allows a home user to purchase 1 license, and install it on all of their computers. It's like a mini site license for home users. If you are a home user that has already purchased a DisplayFusion Pro license and you would like to upgrade to a Personal Home license at a discounted price, please contact me.

Free Version License Changes

Another licensing change is a new restriction on free version usage. Starting with version 3.2, the free version of DisplayFusion will no longer be allowed to be used in a company environment. If you are using the free version of DisplayFusion in a company, you have 2 options: keep using 3.1.10 without any restrictions or convince your company to purchase a DisplayFusion Pro license. A single license is just $25, and with multiple licenses you can reduce this to just $15 per license. DisplayFusion needs your support, and every DisplayFusion Pro license purchased will help!

New License Types and Restrictions

Free License

DisplayFusion Free

Standard License

DisplayFusion Pro Standard License

  • For personal or company use
  • Prices range from $15 to $25 per license
  • Perfect for home users who have 1 computer and only need 1 license
  • Perfect for smaller companies who want multiple licenses, but don't want a Site License
  • Fully functional license including all DisplayFusion Pro features
Personal Home License

DisplayFusion Pro Personal Home License

  • For personal home users who have more than 1 computer
  • Buy 1 license, use DisplayFusion Pro on as many computers as you need
  • This license is for personal use only, not for company use
  • Fully functional license including all DisplayFusion Pro features
Company Site License

DisplayFusion Pro Company Site License

  • For companies that have 25 or more computers
  • Pay 1 price, use DisplayFusion Pro on as many computers as you need
  • No license servers, no complicated license management
  • Fully functional license including all DisplayFusion Pro features

Final Thoughts

If you have any questions or comments, I encourage you to contact me. If you are using the free version of DisplayFusion, and you can't live without it, why not pitch-in and support the development of future versions? It's only $25 and your purchased license will be valid with all future versions of DisplayFusion!

FileSeek 2.0 Released!

August 26, 2010

I am very happy to announce the release of FileSeek 2.0! This new release adds the ability to copy or delete selected files/folders in the results list, without having to use the Windows context menu. Also, you can now see the size of the files in the results list thanks to the new "File Size" column. In addition to these new features, there are a few interface fixes, and some performance enhancements behind the scenes. As always, I would encourage everyone to update to this new version today.

FileSeek has also found a new home, now located at! Giving FileSeek it's own website is long-overdue, and should make it easier to find out everything you need to know about FileSeek. Head over to the new website today, and be sure to download the new version while you're there!

ClipboardFusion 2.0.3 Released!

August 21, 2010

The pricing information in this article is outdated, please visit the Free vs. Pro comparison page for an updated list of features and pricing.

I am very happy to announce the release of ClipboardFusion 2.0.3! This new release brings some significant changes to the Macro editor, making it easier for everyone to write their own Macros. There is now an undo/redo function, more MacroAPI functions to use and some other excellent interface enhancements. Outside of the Macro editor, ClipboardFusion received some other nice improvements as well. ClipboardFusion now uses the same one-click update installation that DisplayFusion uses for super-easy updating. The one-click installation is only available for registered users of the ClipboardFusion Online service. ClipboardFusion Online subscriptions are available for a low yearly rate, or as a lifetime subscription for only $35! There are a number of other improvements and bug fixes, which you can find in the ClipboardFusion Change Log.

I would encourage everyone to update to version 2.0.3 today to take advantage of all the new features and improvements. Thanks everyone!

Notepad Replacer 1.1.1 Released!

July 22, 2010

I am very happy to announce the release of Notepad Replacer 1.1.1! This new version fixes a few small compatibility issues, and improves overall stability. What is Notepad Replacer? Notepad Replacer is a tiny application will allow you to replace the default Windows version of Notepad with whatever alternative text editor you would like to use. It is fully compatible with a wide range of excellent text editors, including Notepad++ and Notepad2. Visit the download page to see the complete list of tested applications.

Advantages to using Notepad Replacer

  • Won't replace ANY system files, or change ANY file permissions
  • Won't trigger Windows File Protection warnings (WFP)
  • Won't run all the time, won't take up any system resources in the background
  • Doesn't require special support by the alternative application

How does this work?

  • Just download and run the Notepad Replacer setup file (below)
  • Follow the installation prompts, and browse to your replacement application
  • Done!
  • If you ever want to revert back to the default Windows Notepad, just un-install Notepad Replacer. Easy!
Notepad Replacer

It's super-easy to use, and works with every text editor we've tried. Best of all, it's completely free! Give it a try today, and replace Windows Notepad for good.

ClipboardFusion Pricing Changes

July 12, 2010

The pricing information in this article is outdated, please visit the Free vs. Pro comparison page for an updated list of features and pricing.

Over the last couple of months, I have received quite a bit of feedback regarding ClipboardFusion and the ClipboardFusion Online pricing. As a result of this excellent feedback, I have decided to eliminate the monthly subscriptions, and reduce the price of the yearly subscription to just $16 per year! Of course, ClipboardFusion itself is completely free, and always will be. However, if you would like to sync your clipboard text and share it with other devices, a ClipboardFusion subscription is just what you need! Here is a quick rundown on the new pricing:

  • 1 Year: $16
  • 2 Years: $24

If you own a DisplayFusion Pro license, you can receive an additional 25% this price:

  • 1 Year with DisplayFusion Pro: $12
  • 2 Years with DisplayFusion Pro: $16

These are some great prices, and they are permanent, not a temporary sale price! If you are a current ClipboardFusion Online subscriber, just head over to the purchase page to take advantage of this new pricing.

DisplayFusion 3.1.10 Released

July 9, 2010

DisplayFusion 3.1.10 has been released! This is just a small release to address a few issues that slipped through the 3.1.9 release. Here is a quick rundown on the changes in this new version:

  • The Settings window is now scaled correctly when using Font Scaling in Windows
  • Monitor detection would sometimes fail in rare situations on Windows start-up
  • Taskbar now shows & signs correctly when in Classic mode (no visual styles)
  • Taskbar no longer hangs/crashes when the system is under heavy load
  • Taskbar items no longer get shuffled in Windows XP when the Taskbar isn't on the primary monitor

I would encourage everyone to update to this new release as soon as possible to take advantage of the improved stability and bug fixes. Thanks everyone!

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