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FileSeek 1.9.2 Released!

January 25, 2010

I am very happy to announce the release of FileSeek 1.9.2! This release fixes a few long-standing issues, and adds some expanded search options. You can now treat your search query as a complete string (like all previous versions) or you can treat the query as words and find files that match any or all words. This new ability adds some much needed flexibility when searching files for multiple text strings. Another new addition is the "Search" tab in the Settings window. This adds a handful of new settings for configuring what will appear in the search results. For example, you can have filename matches appear that match the text query or the "include files" filter, or both. Previously, both matches were shown for filenames with no way to configure this. Here are a few more changes in this release:

  • Added "Search Modes" to allow searches to be treated as [AND] or [OR] with space separated words
  • Added a "Show Filename matches" and "Show folder name matches" to the Settings window
  • Added a "View Settings for Popular Applications" in the Settings window to help people use the "Other Application" setting

You can see the complete history of changes in the FileSeek Change Log. Thank you to everyone who submitted bug reports and helped to test this new release. Thanks everyone!

FileSeek: Main Window

ClipboardFusion 1.5.0 Released!

January 18, 2010

ClipboardFusion 1.5 has been released! After 2 long years since the last version was released, a new version was a bit overdue. This version adds a ton of new functionality and fixes a bunch of issues. Along with the new features and bug fixes, ClipboardFusion has received a face-lift and now shares common icons with my other applications (like DisplayFusion and FileSeek) for a consistent look-and-feel. Here are some of the new features that have been introduced in this version:

  • Added an option to ignore empty HTML tags ("<>") when scrubbing HTML tags
  • Added an option to play a sound when scrubbing (comes with a default sound, but can be set to any .wav file)
  • Added an option to replace matching text strings with other strings (ex: can replace the special quotes from MS Office with normal ASCII quotes)
  • Added an optional HotKey to scrub the clipboard
  • Added an optional HotKey to toggle automatic scrubbing on/off
  • Added the ability to not scrub text put on the clipboard by certain applications (specify the programs on the "Ignore Programs" tab)

If you would like to see the full list of changes, please visit the ClipboardFusion Change Log. Thanks everyone!


DisplayFusion Advanced Settings

January 18, 2010

Did you know there are more than a dozen hidden settings that you can use to configure DisplayFusion that aren't available in Settings window? There are 4 settings just to control the appearance of the taskbar thumbnail preview windows. You can adjust their size, delay, animation behaviour and toggle the tooltips. If you are using 4 or more monitors, you may want to change the order that DisplayFusion treats your monitors. With the advanced settings you can change this order. You can find out more about these hidden settings on the DisplayFusion Advanced Settings page. These settings are recommended only for people who are comfortable using regedit to edit their registry. If that is you, I encourage you to see how you can fully customize DisplayFusion.

FileSeek 1.9.1 Released!

January 8, 2010

I am very happy to announce the release of FileSeek 1.9.1! This new release fixes a few performance issues, as well as adding some new search features. The long-awaited multiple folder searching is now here, and an option to hide file/folder access errors is also now available. Here are the changes in this release:

  • Added a tab in the Settings window to show all of the installed IFilters
  • Added an option to hide file/folder access errors
  • Added an option to append selected folders to the Path list (for the multiple folder searching)
  • You can now search multiple folders by separating multiple paths with the | character (ex: C:\Test|D:\Files|F:\Stuff)
  • Improved IFilter search performance for files that use the same IFilter handler

You can see the complete history of changes in the FileSeek Change Log. Thank you to everyone who submitted feature requests, and helped with testing!

FileSeek: Main Window

Ring in the New Year with 50% off DisplayFusion!

December 31, 2009

Help us celebrate the New Year with a DisplayFusion sale! You can save 50% off any DisplayFusion purchase from now until Tuesday, January 5th. Visit the DisplayFusion Purchase page to view more information about the sale. This discount applies to any licenses purchased, including multi-license purchases and site licenses. Any site licenses that are quoted during the sale will be quoted at 50% off, and the quote will be honoured for up to 45 days. Here are some sample prices for different license quantities:

  • 1 License: $12.50
  • 2 Licenses: $10.00 each
  • 3 or more Licenses: $8.75 each
  • 5 or more Licenses: $7.50 each

If you have been waiting for a good time to pickup some DisplayFusion licenses for your computers, now is your chance. You can buy 5 licenses at just $7.50 each, for a total of $37.50. That's under $40 for 5 licenses. This sale is only on until Tuesday, January 5th so don't delay!

Update: This sale is now done. Thanks for helping us ring in the New Year!

ASP.NET ViewState Helper for Fiddler 1.1 Released!

December 30, 2009

I am happy to announce the release of ASP.NET ViewState Helper for Fiddler 1.1. This small update adds compatibility for Fiddler2 versions 2.1 and higher. If you are using an older version of Fiddler2, you don't need to update to this new release. If you are using a newer version of Fiddler2, and the ASP.NET ViewState Helper isn't working for you, this new release should fix it. As always, if you run into any issues please feel free to post in the Support Forum.

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