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FileSeek 1.9.8 Released!

June 30, 2010

I am very happy to announce the release of FileSeek 1.9.8! This new release adds a couple new search related options, as well as fixing an important issue. Here is a quick rundown on the changes in this new version:

  • Added an option to skip link/junction files and folders (can result in less duplicate file-searching)
  • Added an option to treat the all "Include Files" filters as wildcards (ex: foo is treated as *foo*)
  • Longer proxy passwords weren't saved correctly (everyone will need to re-enter their proxy password)
  • Using the Date Modified filter sometimes showed incorrect "matches found" and "files searched" totals

If you would like to see the the complete list of changes, please visit the FileSeek Change Log. I would encourage everyone to upgrade to this new version today to take advantage of these new options and bug fixes. Thanks everyone!

DisplayFusion 3.1.9 Released!

June 28, 2010

I am very happy to announce the release of DisplayFusion 3.1.9! Along with this new release, comes the new home of DisplayFusion, located at I would like to send out a big thanks to Chris from Sockit Solutions for designing the new website, and for helping getting it off the ground. The new website makes it much easier to look-up information about DisplayFusion, like the Advanced Settings, Support options and, of course, the Downloads.

Now, back to the 3.1.9 release! This release started out as a small release, intended to address a few functionality issues before the major 3.2 release, but it turned into much more than that! There is a big new feature in this release, called the "Windows Logon Background" changer. In the DisplayFusion Settings window, you will see a new tab titled "Windows Logon". You can use this new feature to change your Windows logon background image using local images, or images from one of the online providers (Flickr or Vladstudio). I love this new feature, and I've made sure all of my machines now have custom logon backgrounds.

The Taskbars also received much love. You can now set the Auto-Hide setting on a per-Taskbar basis, as well as disabling Taskbars on a per-monitor basis. The Window Snapping feature received a bit of a makeover, with the addition of a helpful guide to help you set it up in the Settings window. There also a ton, and I mean a ton, of bug fixes. From everything to Taskbar focus issues, to compatibility improvements for over a dozen applications. To see the complete list of changes, I invite you to visit the DisplayFusion Change Log.

If you haven't been prompted to upgrade yet, please visit the DisplayFusion Download page to download the new version today!

ClipboardFusion 2.0.2 Released!

June 24, 2010

I am very happy to announce the release of ClipboardFusion 2.0.2! This new release focuses on improving Macro support by adding new functions, as well as fixing a couple small issues. There are now 3 new MacroAPI functions: ClearClipboard, CopyText and SaveTextToCFO. If you are interested in creating or using existing Macros, just visit the ClipboardFusion Macros area. From here you can download pre-made Macros, as well as read documentation on how to use the MacroAPI functions. If you would like to see all of the changes in this new version please visit the ClipboardFusion Change Log. If you haven't already been prompted to update by the auto-updater, I would encourage you to download and install this new version today! Thanks everyone!

Notepad Replacer 1.0 Released!

June 20, 2010

Do you use a Notepad alternative, like Notepad++ or Notepad2? Notepad Replacer will allow you to replace the default Windows version of Notepad with whatever alternative text editor you would like to use. It is fully compatible with a wide range of excellent text editors, including Notepad++ and Notepad2. Visit the download page to see the complete list of tested applications.

Advantages to using Notepad Replacer

  • Won't replace ANY system files, or change ANY file permissions
  • Won't trigger Windows File Protection warnings (WFP)
  • Won't run all the time, won't take up any system resources in the background
  • Doesn't require special support by the alternative application

How does this work?

  • Just download and run the Notepad Replacer setup file (below)
  • Follow the installation prompts, and browse to your replacement application
  • Done!
  • If you ever want to revert back to the default Windows Notepad, just un-install Notepad Replacer. Easy!
Notepad Replacer

It's super-easy to use, and works with every text editor we've tried. Best of all, it's completely free! Give it a try today, and replace Windows Notepad for good.

We're Hiring!

June 14, 2010

Do you love programming? Do you live in the Ottawa area? If you answered yes to both of these questions, I have good news. We want you! We are looking for someone who has at least 3 years experience with C#, and a passion for software development. If you are interested and would like to learn more about this opportunity, please send your resume and contact information (email address and phone number) to Hope to hear from you soon!

Update: Thank you to everyone who applied, the position is now closed.

ClipboardFusion 2.0.1 Released!

June 7, 2010

I am very happy to announce the release of ClipboardFusion 2.0.1! I received quite a bit of feedback from the 2.0 release, and to my surprise the Macro feature turned out to be more popular than I imagined it would be. As a result, I have enhanced the Macro editor substantially for this release. It now has line numbers, a re-sizable text area and code syntax highlighting. You can also now use functions in the MacroAPI namespace, and download pre-made Macros from the new Macro sharing area. Another major change is the Clipboard History feature, accessible through the system tray menu. This simple feature just stores your last used clipboard text and allows you to quickly access it. There are also a number of important bug-fixes that help to make this version the most stable release yet!

I would encourage everyone to download version 2.0.1 today to take advantage of everything ClipboardFusion has to offer. Thanks everyone!

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