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Working with Window Position Profiles

May 15, 2018
Window Position Profiles allow you to save your current window layout and easily restore it at a later time, (e.g. after reboots, or undocking/redocking). This guide will walk you through multiple methods for saving and loading Window Position Profiles.
To save a Window Position Profile, begin by arranging application windows across your screens. Size and position them how you like, then perform one of the following methods:
Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon, navigate to "Window Position Profiles," and select "Save Profile," then "New Profile."
Save New Profile
Name your profile and click "OK."
Profile Name
Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon and select "Settings."
Click the "Window Position Profiles" tab and click "New Profile."
Window Position Profile Tab
Name your profile and click "OK." (Other options include setting a HotKey, ignoring minimized windows when restoring the profile, and adding/editing/deleting entries in the list of windows.)
New Profile
Use the same initial navigation paths to save over or edit existing profiles. Note that overwriting does not add programs to the profile, it completely replaces it with only the windows you have open at the time.
  1. Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon, navigate to "Window Position Profiles," and select "Load Profile," then select a saved profile.
  2. Open the DisplayFusion "Settings," select the "Window Position Profiles" tab, select the desired profile from the list, and click the "Load" button.
  3. Set a HotKey and/or add a TitleBar Button for the profile and load using either method (See Functions for more detail).
  4. Set a HotKey via the "Window Position Profiles" tab by editing the profile and assigning the key combination, the load using that HotKey.
  5. Load From Tray Icon
    1. Load From Tray Icon
    Load from WPP Tab
    2. Load From WPP Tab
    Load from Function
    3. Load From Function
    Load from HotKey
    4. Load From HotKey
  6. Load via the command line with
    DisplayFusionCommand.exe -WindowPositionProfileLoad "profile name"
    (See Command Line Tool for more detail).
  1. Assign a Window Position Profile to a Monitor Profile via the "Manage Monitor Profiles" button in the "Monitor Configuration" window by selecting/creating the Monitor Profile from the list, selecting the Window Position Profile from the dropdown, and clicking "Close," then "OK."
    The profiles will then be linked; each time the selected Monitor Profile is loaded, its Window Position Profile will be loaded as well. Note there is a delay of 15-20 seconds after a Monitor Profile loads before the window positions are loaded.
  2. Monitor Configuration
    Manage Monitor Profiles
    Window Position Profile Selection
  3. Create a Trigger to load a Window Position Profile when a specific Event is carried out. (See Triggers for more detail).
  1. Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon, choose Settings.
  2. Click the Window Position Profiles tab.
  3. Select the profile to edit and click the Edit button.
  4. In the "Edit Window Position Profile" window, you can click Add to add a new entry, or select an existing entry and click Edit or Delete.
  • If a window has a window title that changes often (e.g. a web browser where the title is the page you're currently on), you can edit the "Window Text" condition for that entry and remove all except the name of the program. Using Google Chrome as an example, you'd remove all but "Google Chrome" from the Window Text condition.
  • If two entries have identical "Process Filename," "Window Class," and "Window Text" conditions, both entries will match any window with those values. There isn't anyway around this, as those are the only conditions that can be used to identify an open window.
  • Window Position Profiles don't launch the applications, they only move windows that are already open before the profile was loaded. If you'd like to launch and position applications on startup, please see the Launching and Positioning an Application on Startup guide.

DisplayFusion 9.2 Beta 3 Now Available!

May 11, 2018

We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 9.2 Beta 3 is available for download! This release fixes a bunch of issues, and adds a new feature, Window Position Profiles!

Note: The first time you click the Screen Saver tab in the Settings window, it will be slow to load due to Windows Defender scanning the updated screen saver files.

DisplayFusion 9.2 Beta 3 Highlights

  • New Feature: Window Position Profiles!
  • Taskbar no longer sits on top of the lock screen
  • No longer creates empty "Settings" folder
  • Task View fixes for Windows 10 1803

Updating DisplayFusion

We encourage anyone who likes to test the bleeding edge to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Beta Change Log.

Window Position Profiles
Window Position Profiles

DisplayFusion 9.2 Beta 2 Now Available!

May 3, 2018

We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 9.2 Beta 2 is available for download! This release fixes a bunch of issues, and also adds much improved Monitor Config/Profile support.

Note: The first time you click the Screen Saver tab in the Settings window, it will be slow to load due to Windows Defender scanning the updated screen saver files.

DisplayFusion 9.2 Beta 2 Highlights

  • Note: 500px has been removed as a wallpaper source, they are closing their API
  • Note: Monitor Profiles have been overhauled, it's recommended that you load and resave your existing profiles to upgrade them to the new format
  • WallpaperFusion source now allows you to specify the minimum resolution for images
  • Desktop Icon Profiles is now merged into the Settings window for configuring
  • New scripting function: BFS.Window.IsVisible
  • Task View now works correctly with Windows 10 1803 and DisplayFusion
  • Right-click menu fixed for minimized-to-tray windows
  • Maximizing a window to splits no longer sends 2 clicks sometimes
  • Trigger event 'Process Ended' now fires correctly
  • Custom Functions now support up to 2 decimal places for percents (33.33% instead of 33%)
  • Monitor Fading fixes for Non-Current Monitor

Updating DisplayFusion

We encourage anyone who likes to test the bleeding edge to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Beta Change Log.

Desktop Icon Profiles
Desktop Icon Profiles

Top WallpaperFusion Members for April 2018

May 1, 2018
Congratulations to our top contributing members for April 2018! They have been hard at work submitting, rating, and discussing images on WallpaperFusion, and have racked up some impressive reputation scores along the way!
Alan Wade's profile on
izann's profile on
Nodan's profile on
pinktoys' profile on
LavenderGirl54's profile on
AllStarOVERKILL#1's profile on
CDEEPK's profile on
DLJunkie's profile on
Judith Lane's profile on
Shenzi's profile on
OilCanJay's profile on
GJ1's profile on
izann's profile on
Tsula's profile on
lisa crane's profile on
Jan47's profile on
mama_leann's profile on
Snooa's profile on
Tanefar's profile on
nesty's profile on
Check out the current top members or look at previous months on our Top Members page!

LogFusion 6.2 Now Available!

April 26, 2018

We're happy to announce that LogFusion 6.2 is now available for download! This build updates our Text Query language, fixes a problem with empty UTF-16 files, and adds some other minor bug fixes and improvements.

LogFusion 6.2 Highlights

  • Text Query updates to treat hyphens (-) after letters as numbers as part of a string literal
  • Logs will now load much faster
  • Log lines will now reset after using "Clear & Delete"
  • LogFusion will no longer display blank log lines for an empty UTF-16 file

Updating LogFusion

We encourage everyone to update to the new version today.

LogFusion Screenshots

LogFusion Main Window
LogFusion Main Window

New PDF Report Options

April 25, 2018

We're happy to announce that we have expanded the options for generating PDF reports! PDFs for individual checks can now be generated with activity history for a custom date range, and to cap the displayed history to a configured limit.

As well, you can now generate PDF reports from the Organization Stats page. To help with creating reports, the stats page also provides the option to only display stats for a specific check group. Please let us know if you have any feedback!

In addition, we have released an update to iOS notifications to improve performance and reliability.

PDF Check Report
PDF Check Report
Stats Page Filtering
Stats Page Filtering
PDF Stats Report
PDF Stats Report
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