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Working with Mouse Management

July 2, 2019
DisplayFusion has a variety of options on the Mouse Management tab that can help you use the mouse more efficiently across multiple monitors. This guide details each option.
To access the Mouse Management features:
  1. Right-click the DisplayFusion icon and click "Settings."
    Tray Menu - Settings
  2. Click the "Mouse Management" tab.
    Mouse Management tab
  3. Enable the features you want and click OK or Apply.
The options are as follows:
  • Allow the mouse wheel to scroll windows under the mouse cursor that are not in focus: This feature will allow you to scroll up or down in using the mouse wheel when hovering over any application window, even if it's not the currently focused window. This comes in handy in situations like having a Word document open on one screen, and a website open on the other screen. You can keep the keyboard focus on Word, but still scroll up/down in the web browser with the mouse. In Windows 7, DisplayFusion handles this behaviour. In Windows 10, this functionality is built-in, so the option in the DisplayFusion Settings just enables/disables the Windows option for this.
  • Wrap mouse cursor around left/right monitor edges: Normally when you move the monitor to the far edge of a monitor, it stops. When this feature is enabled, moving the mouse to the far edge will cause it to wrap around to the other far edge. For example, with two monitors side-by-side, you can move the mouse to the far left of the left monitor, and it will continue moving on the far right of the right monitor.
  • Wrap mouse cursor around top/bottom monitor edges: This feature behaves the same as the left/right wrapping (see above), but with the top/bottom instead.
  • Only wrap mouse cursor when more than one monitor is connected: When either mouse wrapping option (see above) is enabled, this option will only allow the mouse to wrap if there's more than one monitor connected and enabled.
  • Prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned left/right monitor edges: If you've got monitors with different screen resolutions, you may run into issues with the mouse getting stuck when trying to move it between the two monitors. This is because one monitor has a shorter edge than the other monitor, and Windows only allows the mouse to cross where both monitor edges line up. If you enable this feature, you can cross the mouse over at any left or right monitor edge.
  • Prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned top/bottom monitor edges: This feature behaves the same as the left/right snagging prevention (see above), but with top/bottom edges instead.
  • Prevent mouse cursor from sticking in Sticky Corners: (Windows 11, 10 only) Windows will catch the mouse in the corners to prevent accidental movement to the other monitor when intending to click on elements in the corners (Start button, window close button, show desktop button). Enabling this feature will allow you to move the mouse to the other monitor without it getting caught in the corners.

Introducing User Groups, Check Group Permissions & More!

July 2, 2019
We’re pleased to announce some great new CheckCentral features that have recently been rolled out. These new features make organizing your checks and users easier than ever.

NEW! Creating User Groups, Setting Security on Check Groups

It is now possible to manage access to your individual CheckCentral check groups thanks to the introduction of user groups, and check group permissions. To get started, simply head to the user groups page via the Organization tab to quickly create new user groups.

Create User Group
Create User Group

Once you have user groups created, they can be used to assign permissions to a check group. Simply visit the check groups page (under the Checks tab) and select the check group you’d like to modify the permissions for. You’ll see a Permissions section where you are able to add a permissions entry for your new user group, specifying what level of access that group should have.

Add Permission
Add Permission

NEW! Improved Organization via Labels

You can now set labels on your checks. Checks with the same label will be grouped together on the Dashboard and Checks page, allowing you to organize checks within a check group.

Check Labels
Check Labels

You’ll see the new Label field when creating or editing a check. You can also set labels in bulk via the Checks page.

Improvements to custom dashboards and more!

Custom dashboards can now be configured to only display specific check groups, making your custom dashboards even more flexible.

As always, we welcome your feedback about these updates, as well as the service as a whole, so please feel free to reach out.

Top WallpaperFusion Members for June 2019

July 2, 2019
Congratulations to our top contributing members for June 2019! They have been hard at work submitting, rating, and discussing images on WallpaperFusion, and have racked up some impressive reputation scores along the way!
Mikelly's profile on
Laodurias' profile on
artistunique's profile on
izann's profile on
GraveDigger's profile on
Delphinidae's profile on
Alan Wade's profile on
LavenderGirl54's profile on
Judith Lane's profile on
djunet julianto's profile on
masa2's profile on
MOMMOOT's profile on
cis1's profile on
Turtle God's profile on
Mouse3's profile on
Penni's profile on
trucker47's profile on
nova100's profile on
cherbear48's profile on
Mirus' profile on
Check out the current top members or look at previous months on our Top Members page!

Deploying DisplayFusion Compatibility Rules Using Group Policy Preferences

June 26, 2019
If you're running DisplayFusion in a corporate environment and need to centrally add Compatibility rules for specific applications, you can do this using Active Directory Group Policy Preferences.
The steps below will walk you through creating a Compatibility rule for Chrome that will disable the DisplayFusion TitleBar Buttons.
  1. Open the Group Policy Management Console.
  2. Add a new Group Policy Object for DisplayFusion and open it for editing.
  3. Expand the left tree down to User Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Registry.
  4. GPM Editor, Registry
  5. Right-click in the right pane and choose New > Registry Item.
  6. New Registry Item
  7. Select "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" as the Hive, and set the "Key Path" to
    Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Compatibility
  8. Set the "Value Name" to
  9. Set the "Value Data" to the path for the EXE you want to create the Compatibility settings for. You can also use wildcards, (e.g.
  10. Set Path
  11. Add more Registry Items to the policy for the Compatibility Settings you want to enable for this application.
  12. Make sure to replace "X" in the Value Name with the number that matches the "App_X_Path" value created in step 6. Set the Value Data to 1 to enable the Compatibility setting.
    More Items
    See the table below for a list of Compatibility settings and their Registry Value Name.
    Repeat steps 4-8 for any other applications you want to create Compatibility rules for. Increase the number in the Value Names for whichever one you're working on. e.g. the second rule would be App_2_Path, the third rule would be App_3_Path, etc.
    GPM Editor Registry List
  13. Link the GPO to an OU that has the DisplayFusion users in it so that they'll get the new policy the next time they logon.
  14. If the user has already configured Compatibility rules, these settings can end up overriding them. It's best to block access to the Compatibility tab with the DisplayFusion Group Policy (ADMX) templates.
The following table lists the names of the settings in the Compatibility rule edit window, and the corresponding registry Value Name. All registry values are type "String (REG_SZ)" and all of them use 0 for disabled, and 1 for enabled. Make sure to replace "X" with the number that matches the "App_X_Path" value you're adding this setting for.
Setting Name Registry Value Name
Disable TitleBar ButtonsApp_X_DisableTitleBarButtons
Disable TitleBar Buttons (all applications)App_X_DisableTitleBarButtonsAll
Disable Window SnappingApp_X_DisableWindowSnapping
Disable Wallpaper changes while runningApp_X_DisableWallpaperChanges
Disable middle-click window movingApp_X_DisableWindowMoveMiddleClick
Disable maximized window draggingApp_X_DisableWindowMoveMaximizedDrag
Disable removing from Windows TaskbarApp_X_DisableWindowsTaskbarRemove
Disable Application HooksApp_X_DisableAppHooks
Disable DisplayFusion Taskbars while runningApp_X_DisableTaskbarsAll
Disable moving new windows to current monitorApp_X_DisableMoveNewProcessWindowsToCurrentMonitor
Use process file icon on DisplayFusion taskbarApp_X_ForceProcessTaskbarProcessIcon
Force DisplayFusion to treat this application as full screenApp_X_ForceTreatAsFullScreenWindow
Disable unfocused mouse scrollingApp_X_DisableMouseScroll
Use alternate Mouse Scroll methodApp_X_DisableMouseScroll
Normal TitleBar Button Offset XApp_X_TitleBarButtonOffset
Normal TitleBar Button Offset YApp_X_TitleBarButtonOffsetY
Maximized TitleBar Button Offset XApp_X_TitleBarButtonOffsetMaxX
Maximized TitleBar Button Offset YApp_X_TitleBarButtonOffsetMaxY

HashTools 4.2 Now Available!

June 13, 2019

We're pleased to announce that HashTools 4.2 is now available for download! We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements.

  • Change: You can now search for the file's hash on VirusTotal via the right-click menu
  • Change: Whitespace and line breaks are now scrubbed when pasting Compare Hash from the clipboard
  • Change: Added more detailed tooltips when hovering over files in the list
  • Fix: When installing with /VERYSILENT, the context menu dialog box no longer shows
  • Change: General improvements and changes

HashTools Screenshots

Hash Tools
Hash Tools

Moving Different File Explorer Folder Windows with Trigger Rules

June 11, 2019
Trigger rules can be used to position multiple applications, but they can also be used to position multiple instances of the same application. In this example, we'll show you how to configure Trigger rules for two specific folders in File Explorer.
These directions are for applications with unique window titles.
  • Open the applications and position the windows.
    Two Windows
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion icon and click "Settings."
    Tray Menu - Settings
  • From the Settings menu, now click the "Triggers" tab.
  • Ensure the "Enable Triggers" checkbox is enabled.
    Enable Triggers
  • Click "Add."
    Add Trigger
  • Enable the "Process Filename" checkbox. From the pop-up selection window, double-click your application or select it and click "OK."
  • Process Filename
    Select Application
  • Enable the "Window Text" checkbox.
    Window Text
  • Drag the blue target onto the application window.
  • Drag Blue Target
    You'll now see the window title in the Window Text text field.
    Window Title
    Alternatively, you can type in the name of the window title.
  • Below the Actions pane, click "Add," then select "Move Window to Specific Size and Location."
  • Actions Add
    Move to Location
  • Drag the blue target onto the application window, and click "OK."
  • Drag Blue Target
  • Click "OK" to save the Trigger.
  • Repeat the above steps for the additional windows.
  • Click "OK" from the main Settings menu to save and apply your changes.
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