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VoiceBot Now Available on Steam!

June 4, 2015

We are very excited to announce that VoiceBot is now available for purchase on Steam! VoiceBot Pro on Steam has all of the same features as VoiceBot Pro, but Steam handles the installation and licensing, so you always have it wherever you have your Steam games library. Note that once VoiceBot is installed, Steam does not need to be running for VoiceBot to function.

VoiceBot is regularly $8.99 (USD), but is on for a special Steam launch price of $7.65 (USD)! If you purchase VoiceBot Pro on Steam and enjoy using it, please review it to let others know that it's a great buy :)

If you've already purchased a VoiceBot Pro Standard license through our website, you can grab a Steam code at no charge through our licensing portal.

VoiceBot Steam Store Page
VoiceBot Steam Store Page

Top WallpaperFusion Members for May 2015

June 1, 2015
Congratulations to our top contributing members for May 2015! They have been hard at work submitting, rating, and discussing images on WallpaperFusion, and have racked up some impressive reputation scores along the way!
Joseph Di Giovanni's profile on
Judith Lane's profile on
RowdyPants' profile on
CDEEPK's profile on
marceloatg's profile on
DLJunkie's profile on
Ryan Thaut's profile on
Trish Overton's profile on
djunet julianto's profile on
Kirk Meyer's profile on
creative frog's profile on
Sharon Davis771942's profile on
Wendy3's profile on
Judith Lane's profile on
wildchild's profile on
bryrich52's profile on
aceone's profile on
bailey1's profile on
pony2's profile on
lunicorn's profile on
Check out the current top members or look at previous months on our Top Members page!

VoiceBot 1.1 Now Available!

May 31, 2015

VoiceBot 1.1 is now available for download! This is a quick point release to address a few issues that were in 1.0:

  • Tray icon when paused (not listening) is now red, to make it more obvious that VoiceBot is not listening for commands
  • Resolved some small issues with SendInput
  • Various performance, stability, and bug fixes

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased VoiceBot, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost!

If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the VoiceBot Change Log.

VoiceBot Screenshots

VoiceBot Main Window
VoiceBot Main Window

ClipboardFusion 3.3.1 Now Available!

May 25, 2015

ClipboardFusion 3.3.1 is now available for download! This is a quick point release to address a few issues that were in 3.3:

  • Fixed up the "Scrub line breaks" and "Scrub tabs" options
  • Resolved an issue where auto-paste didn't work on some non-English versions of Windows
  • Resolved an issue that broke macros that use "System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode"

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased ClipboardFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost!

If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the ClipboardFusion Change Log.


VoicebotWe're also very excited to introduce our newest product, VoiceBot! VoiceBot allows you to control games and applications with your voice. Simply speak a command and VoiceBot will send the keystrokes, mouse-clicks, or anything else necessary to perform the desired action. VoiceBot can also perform actions like text-to-speech, running highly flexible scripts, starting programs, and much more! With over 100 pre-made game and application profiles available, it's easy to started. Give it a try for free today!

ClipboardFusion Screenshots

ClipboardFusion Macro Editor
ClipboardFusion Macro Editor

Working With Window Location Rules

May 21, 2015

Note: Starting with DisplayFusion 8.0, Window Location has been replaced by the more powerful feature, Triggers. You can find out more about Triggers here:

Window Location is a powerful feature that allows you to set the default location of an application's first window only, or the first window as well as subsequent child windows. You can have the application automatically move to a specific monitor and have it centred, maximized, or minimized. If you want to get even fancier, you can have the Window Location rule run any function from the list of functions on the Settings > Functions tab. You can even create a custom function to set the exact location and size in pixels, or you can create a scripted function to do almost anything you like with the window.

Creating a basic Window Location rule

  1. Open the DisplayFusion Settings > Window Location tab.
  2. Make sure the "Enable Window Location" option is enabled.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click "Select Application." If your application is currently running, it will be listed in the Select Application window. If it's not running, click Browse and locate the program's .exe on the drive.
  5. In the "Move Window" drop-down, choose whether you want the application to start on the current monitor (the monitor that the mouse cursor is on), or move to a specific monitor. If you choose "Move to Selected Monitor," click the monitor in the box below the "Move Window" drop-down.
  6. In the "Window Size" drop-down, choose whether you want the application to be Maximized, Minimized, Centred, or Spanned after it's moved.
  7. In the "Window Location Mode" drop-down, choose whether this rule should apply only to the first window of the application, or all windows. "All windows" includes dialogs and message boxes in addition to regular child windows.
  8. Click OK, then OK again.
A Basic Rule
A Basic Rule

Making a Window Location rule apply to more than one application

If you want a Window Location rule to apply to multiple applications, you can use an asterisk as a wild card, or you can specify multiple programs separated by a pipe. Here are some examples:

  • If you had a bunch of programs in the same folder, and wanted them to all be moved by the same Window Location rule, you would put the following into the "Application" text box: C:\AllMyPrograms\*
  • If you have a couple of programs both named "notepad.exe" but in different locations on the drive, you would enter: *notepad.exe
  • If you want the Window Location rule to affect both Calculator and Notepad, you would enter: *calc.exe|*notepad.exe
A Wildcard Rule
A Wildcard Rule

Creating a Window Location rule to run a Function

  1. Open the DisplayFusion Settings > Window Location tab.
  2. Make sure the "Enable Window Location" option is enabled.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click "Select Application." If your application is currently running, it will be listed in the Select Application window. If it's not running, click Browse and locate the program's .exe on the drive.
  5. In the "Move Window" drop-down, choose "Keep on Same Monitor."
  6. In the "Window Size" drop-down, choose "Run Selected Function on Window."
  7. In the "Function" drop-down, choose the Function that you'd like to have DisplayFusion run on the application when it opens.
  8. In the "Window Location Mode" drop-down, choose whether this rule should apply only to the first window of the application, or all windows. "All windows" includes dialogs and message boxes in addition to regular child windows.
  9. Click OK, then OK again.
A Rule that Runs a Function
A Rule that Runs a Function

Creating a Window Location rule to move all new windows to the current monitor

  1. Open the DisplayFusion Settings > Window Location tab.
  2. Make sure the "Enable Window Location" option is enabled.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click "Select Application." If your application is currently running, it will be listed in the Select Application window. If it's not running, click Browse and locate the program's .exe on the drive.
  5. In the "Move Window" drop-down, choose "Move to Current Monitor."
  6. In the "Window Size" drop-down, choose one of the sizing options.
  7. In the "Window Location Mode" drop-down, choose "All Windows."
  8. Click OK, then OK again.
A Rule to Move All Windows to the Current Monitor
A Rule to Move All Windows to the Current Monitor

Creating a Window Location rule to run on only a specific window for the application

  1. Open the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab.
  2. Click the "Download Scripted" button.
  3. Download the "Move Only a Specific Window of an Application" script.
  4. Edit the script to look for the window title of the window you want it to apply to, and also change the X and Y values for the location. You can also modify the code in the "if" statement to do other things with the window if you like.
  5. Open the DisplayFusion Settings > Window Location tab.
  6. Make sure the "Enable Window Location" option is enabled.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click "Select Application." If your application is currently running, it will be listed in the Select Application window. If it's not running, click Browse and locate the program's .exe on the drive.
  9. In the "Move Window" drop-down, choose "Keep on Same Monitor."
  10. In the "Window Size" drop-down, choose "Run Selected Function on Window."
  11. In the "Function" drop-down, choose the "Move Only a Specific Window of an Application" Function.
  12. In the "Window Location Mode" drop-down, choose "All windows."
  13. Click OK, then OK again.

ClipboardFusion 3.3 Now Available!

May 20, 2015

ClipboardFusion 3.3 is now available for download! This new version has a few changes, including the following:

  • Added a new Macro Function: BFS.Clipboard.SetHTML
  • Macros can now return null (useful if you set the clipboard data manually in your macro)
  • Added two new options to clear the clipboard and history after a specified amount of time
  • Added buttons to the Clipboard Syncing tab for clearing all Recent and Pinned items
  • A few improvements to the BFS.Input.SendKeys function

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased ClipboardFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost!

If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the ClipboardFusion Change Log.


VoicebotWe're also very excited to introduce our newest product, VoiceBot! VoiceBot allows you to control games and applications with your voice. Simply speak a command and VoiceBot will send the keystrokes, mouse-clicks, or anything else necessary to perform the desired action. VoiceBot can also perform actions like text-to-speech, running highly flexible scripts, starting programs, and much more! With over 100 pre-made game and application profiles available, it's easy to started. Give it a try for free today!

ClipboardFusion Screenshots

ClipboardFusion Macro Editor
ClipboardFusion Macro Editor
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