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TrayStatus 2.0.2 Now Available!

May 12, 2016

TrayStatus 2.0.2 is now available for download! This version moves TrayStatus onto the .NET 4.0 Framework, as well as improving performance and fixing some minor issues.

TrayStatus Icons in the System Tray

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. TrayStatus is still completely free, so you can update at no charge! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the Change Log.

Searching for Text Within a Specific File Type

May 6, 2016
  1. First, make sure you have the appropriate file handlers installed for the file type you want to search. We have links to the file handlers for some common file types here:
  2. On the Search tab, enter the folder that you want to search in the "Path" text box. Type the file extensions you want to search in the "Include Files" text box (e.g. *.xlsx). Type the text you want to search for within the files, into the Query text box.
    Search Tab
    Search Tab

  3. On the Advanced tab, disable all of the "Show files/folders..." options except for the "Show file names that match the 'include files' filter" option. Also make sure that the "Process file contents using File Handlers" option is enabled.
    Advanced Tab
    Advanced Tab

  4. Click Search, and you should get the results you're looking for!
    Search Results
    Search Results

VoiceBot 3.0 Beta 3 is Now Available!

May 5, 2016

VoiceBot 3.0 Beta 3 is now available! This new VoiceBot version adds 3 new Actions, descriptions for Macros, and fixes some small issues. Update for free today!


DisplayFusion 8.0 Beta 6 is Now Available!

May 4, 2016

DisplayFusion 8.0 Beta 6 is now available! This is a huge release with many new features and lots of bug fixes. Use Dropbox as a wallpaper source, now runs on the .NET Framework 4.0 for improved performance and stability, full Vivaldi browser support, and much, much more!

Update for free today!


Window Inspector 1.1 is now Available!

May 4, 2016
We're very excited to announce that Window Inspector 1.1 is now available for download! Window Inspector lets you view a window's class, text, properties and more, simply by moving your mouse cursor over a target window! Window Inspector is an application that we've used internally at Binary Fortress for many years, and it's been a big help developing applications like DisplayFusion and VoiceBot. We thought it was time to share this amazing utility with everyone, and we've decided to share it for free!
Window Inspector 1.1 Changes
  • Window Title now shows whether the timer is paused, or whether Window Inspector is locked to a window
  • Installer can now create optional desktop icons
  • Added new window information about modal windows
  • Removed a double-colon from an entry
Updating Window Inspector
We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the Window Inspector change log. Thank you to everyone who helped to test the beta versions, that feedback is what makes Window Inspector so amazing. Thanks everyone!
Window Inspector Screenshots

New CheckCentral User Level and Other Updates

May 4, 2016

We're excited to announce some updates to CheckCentral!

New User Level

We've added a new permission level for users, simply called "User". This permission level allows for pausing and un-pausing checks, and manually setting check statuses, but does not allow editing of check rules. The new level is the default setting for adding new users.

In addition, the existing level "Read/Write" has been renamed to "Manager".

New User Permissions Level
New User Permissions Level

Billing Information

We've added the option to enter a tax identification number for organizations that require it. The tax number will be included on invoices and receipts from CheckCentral.

As well, we've added more information to the Billing History table on your organization's subscription page, to help keep track of changes and payments that have been made.

More Informative Organization History
More Informative Organization History

Interface Updates

We've also added the ability to delete all currently unmatched messages at once, to simplify managing your activity history. This feature is available on the Recent Activity page with filtering set to show unmatched messages.

Delete All Unmatched Activities
Delete All Unmatched Activities

In addition, we improved several warnings and error messages across CheckCentral to make them clearer and more accurate.

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