3 discussion posts
Performance suggestion
I know making the hash-generation algorithms multi-threaded is probably not possible or too difficult probably, but could you at least generate hashes for multiple files in different concurrent threads? For example, if the CPU is dual-core, two threads would be running concurrently, hashing two files at a time (unless the files are on an optical drive of course).
I know that's a lot to ask, but I figure if ExactFile can do it, that this one should too. I really love HashTools of all (and there are a lot) the hash tools out there, mainly for its usability, intuitiveness and the minimal number of GUI elements.
It's already perfect, but this performance boost would mean a lot since we all know hash calculation takes a lot of processing (so it is time consuming) and it's a shame now that practically all CPUs are multi-core for that processing power to go to waste.
Please let us know whether there are any plans on doing that.
Thanks for your time and for the useful, productive and beautiful software you make.
This is an interesting idea, but unfortunately the hash-generation library we're currently using doesn't support multiple threads per file. We could process multiple files simultaneously (one on each core), but the issue with this is disk I/O. For most people (those without SSD's), hashing is bottle-necked by the I/O system, not the CPU.
3 discussion posts
The developer of that other software I think I mentioned say that in her tests, there is a performance advantage. No benchmark was made public though and no numbers given, but I suspect they didn't use SSDs. However your point is very reasonable and I see how it may not be worth the trouble.
Thank you for your time and for considering / answering my question. I'm sure I'll see in time that there's not much difference in the speed of both software.
3 discussion posts
And most people only calculate hashes for a single file to check the integrity of downloads anyway, so maybe it's not that big of a deal.