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33 discussion posts
When changing the column widths in HashTools, text is not clipped to the end of the field. For example, on startup I see what's shown in image 'Startup Image' I then reduce the File column width and expand the Hash column width. As shown in image 'Column Width Changed', the filename bleeds into the Hash field. As a result, when the hash results are displayed, the hash results are obscured by the file name as shown in image 'Results Bleed Together'. This did not occur in HashTools 4.4.The only way to see the result is to increase the size of the HashTools window and set the field sizes big enough to include all the data.
I am running the latest version of Windows 11.
• Attachment: Column Width Changed.jpg [25,285 bytes]
Column Width Changed.jpg
Column Width Changed.jpg
• Attachment: Resuls Bleed Together.jpg [25,835 bytes]
Resuls Bleed Together.jpg
Resuls Bleed Together.jpg
• Attachment: Startup Image.jpg [22,245 bytes]
Startup Image.jpg
Startup Image.jpg
Apr 16, 2022 (modified Apr 17, 2022)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I was able to reproduce this on my end, so I've added it to our list to look into. We'll be sure to let you know if we have any news on it going forward.

Apr 18, 2022  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This should be fixed up in our latest version, available here:

Please let me know if you run into any issues after updating.

Sep 26, 2022  • #3
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